“To thine own self be true.”

This year, Advanced Investrade Forum equipped traders with a new tool in their repertoire, “My Trading Diary”. Successful traders know that a consistent and systematic review of their trading activities is the direct path to grow and improve. Check out what Trading Guru’s have to say about maintaining a Trading Diary here.

A Trading Diary should not only be used to capture trades but more importantly, it should contain your goals, trading style, present assessment, trade plan and rules. After all, when writing the story of your life and career, don’t let anyone else hold your pen. See some of the pages of the Trading Diary here.

My Trading Diary” is a manifestation of thoughts, effort and labour of

Powerful Positive Affirmations for Traders

“Affirmations motivate, inspire and encourage us to take action to realize our Goals. Our member, a seasoned trader and a Neo Wave expert, Hitesh Sheth, shares some of the positive affirmations for Traders.” Read On

Traits of a Winning Trader

Traits don’t change, state of mind do. How does one develop the traits to be successful in trading. Our member and seasoned trader, Shashank Gupta shares his insights on Traits of a winning trader. Read On

“My favourite book on trading is my own Trading Journal”.